About Lee Cerio

I am an entrepreneur and successful property investor based in Devon, UK. Through these troubled times of global financial insecurity, knowledge is becoming the new currency. Our challenge is to learn how to survive in an ever-changing world. My hope is that others will be inspired to take responsibility for their own financial education, to think creatively, & to take positive action toward building a world full of abundance.
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Belief is Everything!

Prior to 2010 I was a regular 9 to 5 working guy who was simply listening to the wrong people. Working as an employee through the global economic downturn, I was lucky enough to experience first hand the dramatic shift that is sweeping the corporate world. Since the collapse of the global economy the business community as well as Governments across the world have been forced to make massive cut backs. The knock on effect of these changes are being felt primarily by the tax payer & by employees. Companies forced to make cuts by laying off staff, are putting pressure on existing employees. Those lucky enough to have weathered the storm are faced with the prospect of working harder, often with reduced incentives and unwarranted changes to company policy, all implemented to 'protect' the security of those who remain in the workplace. The changes I have witnessed have served me well by allowing me to look at my own relationship to uncertainty & fear and to come to a decision to bail out before the situation deteriorates. Last year I made a conscious choice to become an entrepreneur and a successful property investor. Leading up to this decision to quit my job I was continuously asking myself the same questions.... Who cares whether or not I become successful? What do I have to offer to the world? How can I allow someone else put a price on me? How do I put a value on myself? What am I really worth? I now know that self-worth begins with self belief and that believing in yourself begins with self acceptance & love. If your life feels like a constant uphill battle, maybe it is time to stop battling on your own; time to remember that it is possible to step outside the battleground, and that you can instead choose to enter a world that is mutually supportive & where you will be rewarded handsomely for ALL your positive work & ACTION. The world is in the process of re-learning how to live in a way that puts people first, where instead of fearing that we are being taken for granted, we can instead focus on GIVING and TRUSTING that ALL our needs will be met. Every now and then each one of us has the idea that we can make changes in our life - that we can take charge of our lives & create significant positive change that will give us long-lasting happiness. An entrepreneur learns to LISTEN to the needs of others so that our community can grow through the generous acts of GIVING & RECEIVING. Make sure you are ready to ACT on OPPORTUNITIES when they are presented to you. Why do most of us follow the same old rules that get the majority nowhere? How many of us actually have the courage to step into a new beginning in order to live in a way that is free from the constraints of our past? The world has become too safe - it is driven predominantly through fear and greed. The rules are changing. Our challenge is to learn how to survive in an ever-changing world. Ask yourself this question! How can I take advantage of this unprecedented shift towards global entrepreneurism? During these times of uncertainty and global financial insecurity, knowledge is becoming the new currency. My hope is that others will be inspired to take responsibility for their own financial future and become an entrepreneur